Here you will find the most important questions and answers on the following topics:
- Ordering on gurkerl.at
- Payment
- Transport and delivery
- Food expiry date and use-by date
- Reusable packaging and deposit bottles and containers
- Reusable Bags
- Complaints, online complaint management and general feedback
- DaVinci Pharmacy
- Gürkchen Club
1. Ordering on gurkerl.at
1.1. How does the ordering process work?
You have the choice of registering on gurkerl.at or shopping as a guest first.
As soon as you add an item to your shopping cart, a window will open asking for your delivery address to check whether it is in our delivery area. You can close it without entering the address to continue shopping.
In the navigation bar you can select the different categories and click through various submenus to your desired product. You can also enter the item you are looking for in the search form to get there directly.
Once you have found the item you are looking for, you can enter it in the search form to get there directly.
Once you have selected an item, it will appear in the shopping basket on the right. You can change the quantity using the plus and minus signs. Click on the green button "Add to shopping cart" to go to the order overview. The button "Continue to checkout" at the bottom of the screen will change from grey to green as soon as your order has reached the minimum order value of € 49,-.
When you click on this button, the checkout process begins. First you have to enter your address if you haven't already done so. Then enter your name and phone number. You will need this so that the Gurkerl-Bote or Gurkerl-Botin can contact you if it is necessary for the delivery.
Finally, you can choose your address.
Finally, you can choose whether you would prefer to pay online or by card upon delivery. You can read more about payment below.
You can decide whether you would like to tip the Gurkerl messenger or the Gurkerl messenger and select the 1-hour delivery window you prefer.
Finally, you decide which payment method you would like to use, if you have chosen online payment. By clicking on the "Order with costs" button, you conclude the purchase contract.
1.2. Is it true that my order will be delivered directly to my door?
Yes, our Gurkerl-Bot:innen will deliver to your door. This service is automatically included. You are welcome to remind our colleagues if they do not offer this service of their own accord.
1.3. Can I add items to an already completed order?
Yes, this is possible. Simply log in to your customer account, click on the items you would like to purchase additionally. In the order overview click on "Add to original order" and complete the order. Information on when you can add additional items to your original order will be provided in the email you receive from us after placing your order.
2. Payment
2.1. Is it true that I can also pay directly at delivery?
Yes, that is correct. You can either pay online with a credit card or directly at the Gurkerl-Bot:in with an ATM or credit card. Alternatively, you can pay online with SOFORT, EPS, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
2.2. Do I have to pay more if I pay online with card?
No, you pay the same with any payment method. However, if you choose an online payment method and order goods to be weighed (such as some fruit and vegetables or meat), you will initially be charged a slightly higher amount. The reason for this lies in the items to be weighed. In the webshop you will see an average weight specified for each item. Of course, you will only be charged for the de facto weight. You can see this on the invoice that you receive by e-mail, or later in your customer account in the webshop itself. If you are unsure, please contact our customer service on 0720 70 4100 or kunden@gurkerl.at.
2.3. How will my products to be weighed be charged?
We have products that are priced according to weight. The actual weight of these products is not known at the time of ordering and is only final at the time of delivery. You only pay the price for the actual weight that is delivered to you. Here you can read about the processing for your selected payment method:
Online payment:
- Credit Card, Google Pay, Apple Pay: We reserve a 30% variation of the order value of the products to be weighed on your credit card at the time of payment. After delivery, the actual amount will be charged.
- EPS, Sofort by Klarna: We will debit the specified value with a 30% difference of the products to be weighed from your card. After delivery, the difference will be refunded to you.
Card payment on delivery: On delivery, the actual weight and final amount is already known.
2.4. I have received a voucher. Where can I redeem it?
You can redeem the valid voucher at gurkerl.at/gutschein. Simply enter the voucher code in the field provided and the credits will automatically be booked to your account. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to log in or create an account if you do not already have one. This is necessary, otherwise the credits cannot be assigned to you.
2.5. Can I pay with invoice on gurkerl.at?
At the moment, payment by invoice is not possible. Please use debit or credit card (VISA or Mastercard) as well as Google Pay or Apple Pay for delivery or credit card (VISA or Mastercard) or SOFORT Onlineüberweisung if you want to pay online.
2.6. Do you save my payment information?
Gurkerl.at does not process or save any of your payment data. We use one of Europe's largest payment providers Adyen, who are fully compliant with all security and data processing standards including PCI and GDPR.
3. Transport and delivery
3.1. Where do I find out when the Gurkerl-courier is coming?
Just look at the window that appears at the top of the webshop or app when you are logged in. There you will find the exact delivery time and you can already look forward to your delivery. If you install our mobile app, we will inform you of the exact delivery time by means of a push notification.
3.2. Where does gurkerl.at deliver to?
Gurkerl.at delivers to all districts of Vienna and in the Vienna area to the regions of Schwechat, Mödling, Baden, Gerasdorf, Himberg, Korneuburg and Klosterneuburg. If you enter your address in the webshop, you will immediately see whether we deliver to your address or not. If you cannot enter a specific address, please contact our customer service on 0720 70 4100 or kunden@gurkerl.at.
3.3. Are there plans to expand the delivery area?
Yes, we are planning to expand our delivery area if there is the appropriate demand or logistics from our side. You can check in the webshop where we currently deliver. We will inform you about possible expansions of the delivery area on the gurkerl.at website.
3.4 When does gurkerl.at deliver?
Deliveries are possible at gurkerl.at if you order from Monday to Friday by 7 p.m. and Saturday by 5 p.m. The closest available delivery window is always shown to you in the webshop and in the app. Of course, you can also choose delivery windows up to three working days in advance. They will be displayed accordingly in the web shop.
3.5 What is the delivery price?
Our minimum order value is € 49.00. Up to an order value of € 99, - we charge a delivery fee between € 4.90 and € 8.90 - depending on the amount of the order value and / or capacity. From an order value of € 99, - the delivery is free of charge (no delivery fee).
4. Best before date of food and use by date
4.1. What is the best-before date? What is the use-by date? Are there differences that could have a negative impact on my health?
The best before date is also known as the "BBD". It indicates until when an unopened food product retains at least all of its characteristic properties when stored properly. It is set by the food manufacturer. The legal requirements for this can be found in the EU Food Information Regulation.
The best-before date is not a throwaway date. It is important for us to emphasise at this point that exceeding the best before date does not mean that the food has spoiled. Food may be sold even after the best-before date has been exceeded.
The expiry date is specified instead of the best before date for perishable goods such as meat or fish. Consumption after the specified date can be harmful to health.
The expiry date is used for perishable goods such as meat or fish.
4.2. What is the maximum weight deviation for weighed items?
The maximum weight deviation should not exceed 30%. If it does, we request that you contact our customer service team on 0720 70 4100 or kunden@gurkerl.at to discuss further.
4.3. How can I find out when currently sold-out products will be available again?
All items that are sold out are displayed in grey in the webshop. Because we rely on information from our suppliers - and delivery routes can change - we ask you to contact our customer service on 0720 70 4100 or kunden@gurkerl.at if you would like to know an exact delivery date. Our colleagues will provide you with the requested information on your favourite product as soon as possible.
4.4. Can I eat the products from the category "Save Food" without hesitation?
Of course! In "Save Food", products are displayed that are approaching their expiry date. These products are sold at reduced prices. The expiry dates are of course displayed in the webshop.
5. Reusable packaging and deposit bottles and containers
5.1. Is it true that gurkerl.at takes back deposit bottles and containers for free?
You can return deposit bottles and containers at the time of delivery and our Gurkerl messengers will gladly take them back. The following applies: We take back everything that you can buy from us (even if you didn't buy it from us - of course, in household quantities). The Gurkerl-Bote or Gurkerl-Botin will immediately enter it into the system, and the deposit will be credited to you as credits. You can redeem these credits right away when you place your next order.
You can return individual returnable bottles and also beer crates. We will gladly take standard plastic beer crates for you. Unfortunately, we cannot accept all non-standard beer crates. For the returned bottles and containers, you will receive a credit in the form of credits in your customer profile.
Tip for unused Gurkerl.at bags: you are welcome to recycle them yourself, e.g. for collecting your waste paper or for your next purchase in the stationary trade.
6. Reusable shopping bags
Gurkerl.at cares a lot about our environment and as the first online supermarket we offer a unique solution.
6.1 How can I get my order delivered in reusable bags and how much does this service cost?
When you next order from our online supermarket, we will ask you if you would like to have your goods delivered in reusable shopping bags from now on. If yes, your purchase will be charged with an additional service fee of € 10,-. This is a one-time fee, which will, of course, be refunded to you, if you no longer wish to use the service. We will then deliver all of your future orders to you in reusable shopping bags. With each new delivery, your courier will take back the previous shopping bags. The exact number of shopping bags in your possession is recorded by us.
6.2 What do I have to do, in order to switch back to getting my orders in the original paper bags?
You can switch back to paper bags any time. This works with a simple click in the check-out section of your next order. You just need to give your courier the shopping bags that you still have at home whereby you can hold on to two bags for your private use. The paid service fee of € 10,- will be credited to your Gurkerl account as an equivalent of 10 credits.
6.3 Are the reusable shopping bags cleaned regularly?
Of course, you will receive your order from us only in impeccable, clean shopping bags.
6.4 What are the reusable shopping bags made of? How environmentally friendly is the entire process?
The reusable shopping bags made from recycled plastic have less impact on the environment than our disposable paper bags. Here are some facts for you:
- Our bags were made from 98% recycled PET bottles.
- If you look at the carbon footprint as a comparison, the reusable shopping bag causes only 38% of the paper bag.
- The power consumption for the production of one bag is 1 watt per piece.
7. Complaints, online complaint management and general feedback
7.1. What happens if the Gurkerl-courier is late?
If we don't manage to get the order to you on time, you will be contacted directly by us. We will state how much we will be late.
7.2. Where can I go in case of a complaint or where can I send suggestions for service improvements?
Please contact us through one of our communication channels. We can be reached by phone on 0720 70 4100, via email at kunden@gurkerl.at, via chat in the webshop, and of course via Facebook and Instagram. You are also welcome to use the online complaint management function.
7.3. What do I do if I have received broken or defective products or if products that I ordered have not been delivered?
Please contact our customer service. You can also use the form you will receive via email after delivery. You can also use the "Online Complaint Management" function.
7.4. Where and how can I cancel an order?
Only our customer service is responsible for cancellations. If you want to cancel your order, please call customer service or write to us in the chat in the webshop. Please note that an order can only be cancelled if a reason for the cancellation is specified. You can cancel your order once free of charge. For the second and each further cancellation we charge a handling fee of € 10,- each.
7.5. How do credits work?
Credits are the virtual currency of Gurkerl. When you redeem credits, the price you pay decreases. You can find your number of credits in your customer profile. 1 Credit = 1 Euro.
If you want to use credits, click on the input field that you will find under the payment options when completing your order. The price will then be automatically reduced by the available credits.
Credits can be used to pay for a credit.
Credits are valid for a specified period of time, usually 1 month. In your customer profile, you can check their validity period in the left column. If you want to extend your credits, please contact customer service.
7.6. How does the "Online Complaint Management" work?
In your customer account, under the heading "Past purchases", you can click on "Order details", where you will see the button "Complain about an item". You can also complain about your last order on the website or via the email you received after the last delivery of your order with a request for a customer satisfaction rating.
7.7. What should I do if I can't find the "Complain about item" button?
There can be a few reasons for this. In any case, you can complain about your goods via our customer service (Monday to Friday from 6:00-22:00 and Saturday from 6:00-19:30 on 0720 70 4100).
7.8. How long can I make an online complaint using this function in the webshop?
Online complaint management claims can be entered up to 72 hours after delivery of your order.
7.9. What to do if I want a refund to my bank account or a new delivery?
If you would like a refund to your bank account or a new delivery, please contact our customer service department regarding your complaint (Monday to Friday from 6:00-22:00 and Saturday from 6:00-20:00 on 0720 70 4100).
7.10. Can I change or cancel an online complaint I have already made?
If you want to complain about another item from the same order, this is of course possible. However, it is not possible to claim an item more than once. If you would like to change or cancel a claim that has already been submitted, please contact our customer service (Monday to Friday from 6:00-22:00 and Saturday from 6:00-20:00 on 0720 70 4100)
7.11. Can I report a problem using this function even though I don't want to claim any goods?
When entering the claim, you can click the button "I don't want to send credits, I just want to report a problem".
7.12. What happens to attached photos after submission?
If you attach a photo of, for example, damaged or defective goods, we will forward the photo to the right place in our company. Thanks to your photo, we can improve our service and do it better next time. For your information, we will not share your photo with third parties, but to be on the safe side, please make sure that your photo does not contain any data that could be considered personal data under the GDPR. Thank you
8. DaVinci Pharmacy
8.1. Why do I purchase goods from DaVinci Apotheke when I shop at gurkerl.at?
Gurkerl.at only offers a delivery service for pharmacy items directly to your home. The DaVinci pharmacy is our cooperation partner for these products and thus the seller of pharmaceuticals and pharmacy products.
8.2. Which products can I buy from the DaVinci Pharmacy?
Currently, you can buy all over-the-counter products from the DaVinci pharmacy at gurkerl.at.
8.3. Do the prices of the pharmacy products differ from the prices directly in the DaVinci Pharmacy?
No, on gurkerl.at you will find the same prices as you would pay directly at the DaVinci pharmacy.
8.4. Why do I find two invoices in the customer account?
Gurkerl.at exclusively handles the delivery service of the pharmacy products. The seller of the pharmacy products is the DaVinci pharmacy, therefore you will also receive a separate invoice for these products.
8.5. Why do I get a call from DaVinci Pharmacy?
The pharmacy is required to provide pharmaceutical advice on various products. Therefore, every time you order relevant medicines, you will receive a call from a pharmacist from DaVinci Pharmacy. Furthermore, you will always find a card in your pharmacy bag, which is signed by the pharmacist who has packed and checked your order. If necessary you will also receive a card with important information about your purchased pharmacy products.
8.6. Why can't I always order items from the 'Pharmacy' category?
Your items are assembled at the DaVinci Apothecary and sealed there too before being delivered to gurkerl.at. As the DaVinci pharmacy has different opening hours to gurkerl.at, deliveries are currently not possible at all times. You can find out whether your planned delivery time is possible in the checkout when you select the delivery window.
8.7 Can I also use credits on pharmacy items?
Yes, this is possible.
8.8. How are pharmacy items packaged and delivered?
The pharmacy items are checked directly in the DaVinci pharmacy by a pharmacist and packed in their own DaVinci sack, sealed and finally delivered to gurkerl.at. Afterwards, a Gurkerl-courier brings your entire purchase, including your pharmacy products, to your home.
8.9 I have a question about a pharmacy product I bought at gurkerl. Who can I contact?
You can reach the pharmacists at DaVinci Pharmacy Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the hotline 01 6042560, and by email at gurkerl-support@davinci-apotheke.at.
8.10. Will my customer details be shared with DaVinci Pharmacy?
Yes, your customer data will be shared with DaVinci Pharmacy as DaVinci Pharmacy needs to provide pharmaceutical advice on various products. For this purpose, we transmit your name, your telephone number and your email address.
8.11. How can I complain about pharmacy products?
Please contact us through one of our communication channels. We can be reached by phone on 0720 70 4100, via email at kunden@gurkerl.at or via chat on the webshop.
9. Gürkchen Club
9.1 How can I participate in the Gürkchen Club?
The Gürkchen Club is aimed at all expectant mothers and fathers as well as parents with children aged 0-12 years. To participate, you must have a customer account with gurkerl.at and be 18 years of age or older. You also need to register for the Gürkchen Club, which you can easily do at this link: http://www.gurkerl.at/guerkchen-club.
9.2 Does membership of the Gürkchen Club cost anything?
Membership of the Gürkchen Club is free of charge.
9.3 What are the advantages of the Gürkchen Club?
As a member of the Gürkchen Club, you benefit from numerous advantages and offers:
- Club discounts: Save with our offers and discount promotions for club members only. Find all offers here: https://www.gurkerl.at/c135134-gurkchen-club
- Money back for your purchase: For purchases on gurkerl.at (with the exception of alcoholic beverages) that reach an order value of or exceed € 100, you will receive a credit of € 5 in the form of credits. The credits will be automatically credited to your customer account after delivery of your purchase. They are valid for 14 days from the delivery of your order and can be used to purchase all goods offered on gurkerl.at.
- Exclusive products: We offer a wide range of food, children's items and care products for families. Many of these are available exclusively from us!